More grants were awarded for out clients through the AFG Assistance to Firefighters Grant for 2010. The lucky awardees are as follows:
February 25, 2011
Fairview Volunteer Fire Department was awarded $26,923 for Opeation and Safety to purchase all new communications equipment for their department. This was very much needed to replace thier old and obsolete equipment that they currently have.
South Amherst Fire Department receives their third grant in two years and their second grant this year for a vehicle acquisition in the amount of $$275,000.
March 18, 2011
Kidron Volunteer Fire Department received thier third grant in 2 years in the amount of $24,271 for operations and safety. Congratulations on your award.
Old Fort Volunteer Fire Department received an award for operations and safety in the amount of $68,680 to replace old and obsolete equipment. Great job Old Fort.
Lawrence Township Fire Department was awarded their first grant in several years in the amount of $57,864 to replace old equipment through the operations and safety portion. Congratulations Lawrence Township.
Indian Joint Fire District receives its second grant in two years under operations and safety for much needed equipment for thier fire department.
Huntsville Fire Department received their very much needed and deserved third grant in the past four years under the operations and safety category in the amount of $43,859. Congratulations Hunstville on your very deserved award.
Green Camp Volunteer Fire Department received their first grain si years under the category of operations and safety in the amount of $56,358 to replace old and obsolete equipment.
Gettysburg Rural Volunteer Fire Department receives their third grant in two years in the amount of $50,377 to add to thier operations and vehicle grant that they received in 2009 through the AFG Grant. Congratulations!
Congratulations to all who have been awarded and good luck to those who have grants still out there.