GGR,LLC Success & Uniqueness


  • Gatchell Grant Resources helps your organization solve problems  utilizing the grant avenue.
  • Success rate 91%.  NO grant is guaranteed. If your grant is not awarded, the grant is re-written one time for free. If a grant writer tells you the grant is guaranteed, run the other way!
  • Professionals at Gatchell Grant Resources have an understanding of various forms of government as a result of closely working with cities, township, village, and county officials for over twenty years.
  • Professionals at Gatchell Grant Resources have served their communities as public safety service volunteers; this gives the grant seeker assurance they will be partnering with individuals who have a unique working knowledge of their organizations.
  • Grant writing specialist think “outside the box” when searching for grants.  

Gatchell Grant Resources is not just a grant writing business. We believe in educating our clients and encouraging them to be involved in the grant writing process.  We are not threatened when clients write their own grants. On the contrary, we offer encouragement, review, and availability to answer questions to see them accomplish their goals.