Archive for the Category ◊ CEDAP Grant ◊

• Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Sissonville, Millertown, Pocatalico and Guthrie VFD (aka Sissonvile VFD) recieves 2009 CEDAP Grant for equipment worth approximately $47,000.

This equipment will be very useful to this community due to the ruralness of the area. The grant consists of an Incident Command Package and also includes training for this equipment.

This CEDAP Grant award wil give this area a first of its kind equipment which will be availabe to all surrounding communities as well.

Sissonville VFD would like to thank the CEDAP Grant for this opportunity to further enhance our department’s capabilities.

• Saturday, January 30th, 2010

North Canton Fire Department received a CEDAP Equipment Grant with the value of this equipment equaling approximately $47,000. This package includes the actual equipment (Incident Command Package) and also training for this equipment.

North Canton Fire Department will be the only fire department in Stark County, Ohio with this type of equipment. This equipment will be a valuable asset to the County.

Fire Chief, John Bacon was extatic when he was notified of the award. Congratulations to the North Canton Fire Department on this award.

• Monday, June 01st, 2009

The staff at Gatchell Grant Resources has finally caught their breath after the AFG marathon. Over 100 grants written and we want to thank all those Fire Chiefs and firefighters for supplying us with needed information and their patience. Now we move forward waiting for the SAFER and CEDAP grants to open. Also, in the very near future is the Stimulus Fire Station Grant. We will keep you updated as guidelines are released.

Plans have already been implemented to make the next round of grants run smoother for everyone involved.

Congratulations are in order for those departments who were awarded equipment through the State Fire Marshall’s Grant: Beaver Dam Richland Fire Department, Brown Township Fire Department, and Lawrence Township Fire Department. The following departments are receiving computers through the 2009 Fire Department Fire Reporting Grant; Jackson Township Fire Department (Jackson County), Tappan Lake Volunteer Fire Department, Lawrence Township Fire Department, and Waynesburg Volunteer Fire Department.

Brown Township in Carroll County, Ohio is one of the first recipients of funding from the Muskingum Watershed District. These funds will help with their flood mitigation project.

Grants are abounding in 2009 and we anticipate it to continue into 2010. Now is the time to prepare your grant applications.

We at Gatchell Grant Resources appreciate your trust in our abilities to help with your organization’s needs.

• Monday, January 26th, 2009

Gatchell Grant Resources will be speaking at the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference on February 5, 2009.  We will have two sessions. One session will focus on Public Safety and the other will focus on Townships, Villages and Cities. 

We will be focusing a lot on the grants that will be becoming available in the very immediate future.  The types of grants we are referring to are FEMA-AFG Grant for 2009, 2009 CEDAP Grant, Nature Works Grant, various infrastructure grants, Clean Ohio Grants and numerous other state, foundation and corporate grants that are set to be available in this coming year.  Come learn about the programs to secure your grant money.
• Monday, November 10th, 2008

The following is a list of our clients and their awards for the 2008 CEDAP Grant.  This is being posted for informational purposes.  If you would like assistance with your CEDAP Grant, contact us.  We are certified grant specialists and administrators.


Organization City & State Program Federal Share Award Activity Level Award Date

Canal Fulton Volunteer Fire Dept. Canal Fulton


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Hydraulics Rescue Tools



Paint Fire & Rescue Mt. Eaton


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Hydraulics Rescue Tools



Perry Township Vol. Fire Dept. Inc. Scio


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Hydraulics Rescue Tools



South Amherst Vol. Fire Department South Amherst


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Hydraulics Rescue Tools

($16,550.00) 10/01/08

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• Monday, November 10th, 2008

The following is a list of our clients who were awarded CEDAP grants for the year 2007.  This list is being provided for informational purposes.  If you would like assistance in applying for your CEDAP grant, please contact us.



Bergholz Volunteer Fire Company Bergholz


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Incident Command Kit



City of Brunswick Division of Fire Brunswick


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Incident Command Kit



Volunteer Fireman of Magnolia, Inc. Magnolia


Equipment Grant No Match Grant

Equipment Only Incident Command Kit



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