Gatchell Grant Resources, LLC Contact Information:


Any overall information with regards to Grants in General shall be directed to either Vera V. Gatchell or Didi Everhart.

Vera V. Gatchell, CGS, CGA

Phone: 330-324-7441


Any questions with regards to Billing, Fee Agreements, Contracts or any other informations shall be directed to Didi Everhart.

Didi Everhart, CGA

Cell (248) 252-6250


Any questions with regards to Budget Information as well as any City, Township, Village or Non-Profit related grant questions shall be directed to Donna Riggs.

Donna Riggs

Cell (330) 418-1933


Any questions with regards to Worksheet Information, document requirements as well as foundation grants can be directed to Amy McKinney.

Amy McKinney

(330) 209-4680


We here at Gatchell Grant Resources, LLC strive to help those in need to the best of our ability. We will make every attempt to help solve your needs to the extent allowed by the resources at hand.