Archive for the Category ◊ Fire Station Grants ◊

• Friday, October 07th, 2011

When you hear USDA, people tend to shy away. Not Gatchell Grant Resources, LLC.

We have been utilizing this grant/loan application process for the past 10 years to help departments achieve their goals. Some of the items or equipment we have helped to obtain are fire trucks, road department trucks, buildings, as well as other various equipment.

As of the new fiscal year which started October 1, 2011, the interest rate is at an astronomical low at 3.75%. This according to our contact at USDA is the lowest it has ever been historically. This is the time to jumo on this program.

The grant part of this process all depends on the eliigibility of the entity applying as well as other key factors that are requested.

The loan part of the application can be approved and in your possession within 3-6 months of applying.

If there is something that your department might be interested in, please do not hesitate to contact our office for more information in this application process.

Again, this application has been very helpful to numerous departments and entities but yet is still a very underutilized application due to questions and lack of knowledge of this process.

Gatchell Grant Resources, LLC encourages anyone interested in a project to become more knowledgable in the process before they turn down this avenue of funding. This can be done by either calling the USDA Office yourself or by calling us with any questions.

We look forward to helping out those who want to be helped.

• Friday, April 22nd, 2011

April 3, 2011 was the ground breaking ceremony for the Brunswick Volunteer Fire Department in the preparation of the start of the building of thier new fire station thanks to the AFG-SCG Grant that was awarded to them in June of 2010 for approximately $2,400,000.

A delicious banquet was held afterwards in recognition of all the individuals who played a part in this construction grant. The volunteers wanted to thank everyone for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

The foundations is set to start being laid and the construction process to begin on April 19, 2011.

Congratulations to the Brunswick Volunteer Fire Department of Brunswick Maryland and good luck in the construction process.


• Saturday, October 09th, 2010

Brunswick Volunteer Fire Department in Brunswick, Maryland was given the approval and go ahead to begin construction on the new fire station that they received funding for through the AFG Assistance to Firefighters Sation Construction Grant.

Construction is tentatively set to start in the next 30 days. The fire department and all of its members are excited and very thankful for once in a lifetime opportunity.

More updates to come as we progress!!!

• Friday, June 11th, 2010

Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company, Brunswick, Maryland

Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company received $2,434,161.00 in ARRA Stimulus Funding through the AFG FEMA Station Construction Grant to be able to build a new much needed Fire Station which would replace an unsafe and uninhabitable building that they are currently utilizing.

This award would be one of only two grants that have been awarded to Fire Departments in this category for the State of Maryland.

This type of opportunity comes only once in a life time and Brunswick Volunteer Fire Company is one of the lucky few recipients that have been awarded this opportunity so far.


• Monday, June 01st, 2009

The staff at Gatchell Grant Resources has finally caught their breath after the AFG marathon. Over 100 grants written and we want to thank all those Fire Chiefs and firefighters for supplying us with needed information and their patience. Now we move forward waiting for the SAFER and CEDAP grants to open. Also, in the very near future is the Stimulus Fire Station Grant. We will keep you updated as guidelines are released.

Plans have already been implemented to make the next round of grants run smoother for everyone involved.

Congratulations are in order for those departments who were awarded equipment through the State Fire Marshall’s Grant: Beaver Dam Richland Fire Department, Brown Township Fire Department, and Lawrence Township Fire Department. The following departments are receiving computers through the 2009 Fire Department Fire Reporting Grant; Jackson Township Fire Department (Jackson County), Tappan Lake Volunteer Fire Department, Lawrence Township Fire Department, and Waynesburg Volunteer Fire Department.

Brown Township in Carroll County, Ohio is one of the first recipients of funding from the Muskingum Watershed District. These funds will help with their flood mitigation project.

Grants are abounding in 2009 and we anticipate it to continue into 2010. Now is the time to prepare your grant applications.

We at Gatchell Grant Resources appreciate your trust in our abilities to help with your organization’s needs.