Gatchell Grant Resources will be speaking at the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference on February 5, 2009. We will have two sessions. One session will focus on Public Safety and the other will focus on Townships, Villages and Cities.
Tag-Archive for ◊ Grant Writing Classes ◊
Gatchell Grant Resources welcomes invitations to speak to your group with programs and educational grant topics specifically designed to meet your needs. Speaking engagements range from motivational, to women’s business groups, to governmental conferences and round table discussions with a variety of grant topics including:
Very Basic Grants 101
Developing Grants
Grants for Public Safety Services
Disaster Strikes! Navigating the FEMA Maze
Members of our team have taught grant writing classes at Adult Community Education Classes through local school systems (BCI background complete) as well as Ohio and Indiana Township State conferences. We have also had the privilege of presenting at the National Association of Small Towns and Townships conference in Washington, DC.