Archive for the Category ◊ Grant Writing Classes ◊

• Monday, January 26th, 2009

Gatchell Grant Resources will be speaking at the Ohio Township Association Winter Conference on February 5, 2009.  We will have two sessions. One session will focus on Public Safety and the other will focus on Townships, Villages and Cities. 

We will be focusing a lot on the grants that will be becoming available in the very immediate future.  The types of grants we are referring to are FEMA-AFG Grant for 2009, 2009 CEDAP Grant, Nature Works Grant, various infrastructure grants, Clean Ohio Grants and numerous other state, foundation and corporate grants that are set to be available in this coming year.  Come learn about the programs to secure your grant money.
• Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Gatchell Grant Resources welcomes invitations to speak to your group with programs and educational grant topics specifically designed to meet your needs.  Speaking engagements range from motivational, to women’s business groups, to governmental conferences and round table discussions with a variety of grant topics including:

Very Basic Grants 101

Developing Grants

Grants for Public Safety Services

Disaster Strikes! Navigating the FEMA Maze


Members of our team have taught grant writing classes at Adult Community Education Classes through local school systems (BCI background complete) as well as Ohio and Indiana Township State conferences.  We have also had the privilege of presenting at the National Association of Small Towns and Townships conference in Washington, DC.

• Sunday, November 16th, 2008

We at Gatchell Grant Resources love to hear from our customers.  One of the best ways for us to gauge our effectiveness is to listen to you.  Here is a letter that we received.

I was very pleased with the grant writing class given by Vera Gatchell. The open classroom discussions made the experience very informative and educational with the emphasis on educational. Vera not only made it look so easy but was also an inspirational speaker her words of encouragement were abound. Any question you had she answered with an absolute knowledge of her unique gift. Her descriptive way of writing a grant truly was spellbinding. I absolutely recommend this class if it is your first time writing a grant or you have been writing them for years. Knowledge is a powerful tool and Vera possesses and shares many tools in this Grant Writing Class.

Joyce, Perry Township Administrator

If you have used our services, please let us know how we did.  Customer feedback is very valuable to our business.

We look forward to helping your organization secure the grant funding you need.  Contact us for assistance with your grant application.

• Sunday, November 16th, 2008

We at Gatchell Grant Resources love to hear from our customers.  One of the best ways for us to gauge our effectiveness is to listen to you.  Here is a letter that we received.

An interest in learning more about the grant process led me to the “Basic Grants 101” class taught by Vera and DiDi of Gatchell Grant Resources.  This class was outstanding!  A variety of information was presented in a very precise yet comprehensive manner that was easy to understand.  I went into the class with absolutely no knowledge of grants and now feel that I have a good idea of the grant process and the skills necessary to successfully complete an award winning application.  Vera and DiDi did an exceptional job explaining and sited relevant examples from their many years of successful grant writing.  Not only was the class very informative, but fun too!  I highly recommend this class to anyone who is interested in learning more about the grant writing process.

–Lisa Michalek

If you have used our services, please let us know how we did.  Customer feedback is very valuable to our business.

 We look forward to helping your organization secure the grant funding you need.  Contact us for assistance with your grant application.